

Prostate Cancer Screening and Bladder/Kidney Monitoring

Understanding Prostate Cancer Screenings and Bladder/Kidney Monitoring

Prostate screenings are critical in determining early stages of prostate cancer.

These screenings include a blood test that checks the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, along with a rectal exam. Generally this is beneficial for patients with a greater than 10-year life expectancy.

  • Starting at age 50 – discuss testing with your primary care physician
  • If African American or have a father/brother who had prostate cancer before age 65, screening should start as of age 45
  • If first degree relative had prostate cancer at an early age, then initial screening should be considered at age 40

While there are no recommendations for regular screening for bladder and kidney cancers, screening can be performed with a urine test at your yearly primary care check-up. This screening is especially important for those patients with a history of smoking.

How to schedule a screening appointment

To schedule a prostate screening, call Capital Health Urology Specialists at 609-303-4460 or click here.